5 Unique Guitar Pedals You Should Try

Get ready for a musical adventure as we unveil five extraordinary guitar pedals that you definitely don't want to miss out on. These aren't just your ordinary stompboxes – they're like secret passages to unexplored realms of sonic awesomeness! What's even better? These pedals are easier to snag than the ones on our past lists, so brace yourself and maybe give your wallets a little pep talk!

The Hypnotic Harmonizer: Electro-Harmonix HOG2

If you're looking to turn your guitar into a symphonic orchestra or a choir of angels, the Electro-Harmonix HOG2 is your ticket to tonal nirvana. This pedal is more than just a harmonizer; it's a harmonic octave generator (HOG), and it's mind-blowing.

The HOG2 allows you to create up to 10 note harmonies, making your six-string sound like an entire ensemble. But that's just the beginning. It can also generate pitch-bend and expression pedal control over pitch, volume, and filter. With its Freeze function, you can capture a slice of your playing and make it loop indefinitely. Imagine playing a chord and then soloing over it while the chord sustains in the background. It's like having an infinite backing band that responds to your every whim. Whether you want lush, ethereal soundscapes or avant-garde experimental textures, the HOG2 is a must-try pedal that transcends the boundaries of conventional harmonizers.

The Sonic Illusionist: EarthQuaker Devices Rainbow Machine

If you're after a pedal that will take your sound to uncharted dimensions, the EarthQuaker Devices Rainbow Machine is the one to watch. This pedal is a true sonic illusionist, pushing the boundaries of what a guitar pedal can do.

At its core, the Rainbow Machine is a pitch shifter, but it's far from ordinary. It creates a cascading, shimmering effect that sounds like your guitar notes are transformed into ethereal, crystalline rainbows. You can blend in multiple octaves and intervals for a sound that's nothing short of surreal. But the real magic happens when you engage the "Magic" switch. It takes your sound on a wild, unpredictable journey, adding unpredictable harmonies, pitch bends, and modulations that are impossible to anticipate. It's like having a mad scientist in your pedalboard, and the results are nothing short of astonishing.

The Rainbow Machine is a pedal for the brave, the experimental, and the curious. It will take your sound to places you never knew existed and inspire you to create sonic landscapes that are truly unique.

The Sonic Alchemist: Meris Enzo

If you've ever dreamt of a pedal that could transform your guitar into something entirely different, the Meris Enzo is your musical sorcerer. This pedal is often described as a "synth in a stompbox," but it's so much more.

At its core, the Enzo is a synthesizer pedal that can turn your guitar into a vast array of otherworldly instruments. It's not just about traditional synth sounds; it's about creating sounds that are entirely new. You can blend in octaves, layers of pitch-shifted harmonies, and filter sweeps, all of which can be controlled in real-time. This pedal is a soundscape creator, capable of producing lush pads, funky basslines, soaring leads, and more.

But the Enzo doesn't stop at synthesis. It's also a sequencer with tap tempo, letting you create complex rhythmic patterns. You can even use it as an audio interface for your DAW. The Enzo is more than a pedal; it's a portal to a universe of sonic possibilities. It's a must-try for guitarists who crave boundless creativity and are eager to explore uncharted musical territories.

The Time-Warped Wonder: Chase Bliss Mood

For those who seek to bend the boundaries of time and space in their music, the Chase Bliss Mood is a time-warping wonder that should be on your radar. This pedal is not easily categorized; it's a looper, a delay, a pitch shifter, a granular processor, and an ambient creator, all in one compact box.

The Mood is a dual-channel effect, with each channel capable of manipulating your sound in unique ways. The "Reverb" side offers lush ambient textures, while the "Micro Looper" side lets you record and manipulate snippets of your playing. These two channels can interact in unexpected and fascinating ways. You can use the pitch control to create ethereal harmonies or eerie dissonance. The pedal's granular processor can transform your sound into a cloud of shimmering particles.

What sets the Mood apart is its ability to manipulate time and texture in your music. It's like having a sonic time machine at your feet, allowing you to explore alternate dimensions of sound. If you're looking to create music that defies traditional boundaries and transports your audience to a surreal realm, the Mood is an absolute must-try.

The Abstract Sonic Painter: Red Panda Particle 2

If you want to paint sonic landscapes that are truly abstract and avant-garde, the Red Panda Particle 2 is your brush. This pedal allows you to create textures and soundscapes that are unlike anything else.

At its core, the Particle 2 is a granular delay and pitch shifter, but it's so much more. It allows you to chop your audio into tiny grains, rearrange them in real-time, and create soundscapes that range from glitchy and chaotic to harmonious and dreamy. With its eight unique delay modes, you can create everything from lush ambient pads to glitchy, bit-crushed textures. The pedal's pitch-shifting abilities can turn your guitar into an otherworldly instrument, with shifting harmonies and ethereal soundscapes.

What makes the Particle 2 truly unique is its ability to inspire creativity. It encourages you to experiment, to push the boundaries of conventional music, and to create sonic art that is truly abstract. If you're an avant-garde musician or simply someone who wants to explore uncharted musical territories, the Particle 2 is a must-try pedal that will expand your creative horizons.

The Unpredictable Modulator: Dwarfcraft Devices Grazer

If you've ever wanted to embrace chaos in your music, the Dwarfcraft Devices Grazer is the unpredictable modulator that will take you on a wild, sonic journey. This pedal defies categorization; it's a sampler, a stutter, a glitch machine, and a pitch shifter, all rolled into one. I just had to share this screenshot of a search of this pedal- I love how it is described as being a favorite “weird” pedal, yet misunderstood lol!

The Grazer allows you to sample and manipulate your guitar's audio in real-time. It can chop and rearrange your playing, creating stuttering rhythms, evolving textures, and unpredictable soundscapes. You can pitch-shift your samples, creating surreal harmonies or dissonant chaos. The pedal's modulation section adds even more unpredictability, with options for pitch modulation, filter sweeps, and more.

This pedal encourages experimentation and improvisation, making each performance unique and unpredictable.

Whether you're a guitarist, experimental musician, or sound artist, the Grazer is a must-try pedal for pushing the boundaries of what's possible in sound manipulation. Just search Google for stores that sell it or try our Reverb search here.


There you have it, 5 unique guitar pedals that you should absolutely try today. These stompboxes are not just tools; they are gateways to uncharted tonal territories, portals to new dimensions of sound, and instruments of creative expression.

May your musical journey be filled with boundless creativity and inspiration!

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